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The devastating effects of Covid-19 has been hard on all of us.  The adjustment of life and social distancing has taken some getting used to, but is vital in keeping everyone safe. 


As determined by:

U.S Food & Drug Administration 


U.S Dept of Agriculture

Serv Saf



My Pledge:

I want to assure all of my customers, 

that in staying current with food safety guidelines, I have acquired Covid-19 precaution training distributed by ServSaf, in order to maintain safe operations for The Cakery Bee.



Transfer Of Goods:

I will make every effort to reduce contact as much as possible. I offer the following guidelines to ensure a safe and smooth transfer of goods:


Prepayments for cakes are necessary to have a smooth transition upon delivery.  


Temperature and symptom checks before events or deliveries.


Mask wearing during transfer of goods. 


Cake staff will not be allowed to enter inside any "residential home" at any time.

Recipient must be present to receive cake order at the door. 


If picking up an order, customer will receive a pick up time and designated location. Upon arrival, cake order will be delivered to the customers vehicle.




Cake staff will request to enter through a separate service entrance/ or arrive at least an hour before guests to deliver goods and set up an event.


Cake staff will be fully masked until delivery and set up is complete.




We appreciate you working with us to maintain  our business in a safe manner. 

Feel free to contact with any questions or concerns. 

-Stephanie B. 










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